Kumpulan Buku Kuliah Ilmu Manajemen Keuangan Semester 1 PPIM FEB UI

23 Oktober 2015 16.58 By Arsyil Statistikawan

Mata kuliah semester 1 Ilmu Manajemen Keuangan malam sebanyak 4 mata kuliah, berikut ini beserta buku-buku (e-book) yang digunakan, semoga bermanfaat:
1 Keuangan Perusahaan (Coorporate Finance)
- [Textbook 1] Financial Theory and Coorporate Policy (4th Edition) - Copeland, Weston, & Shastri.
- [Textbook 2] Corporate Finance (9th Edition) - Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe.
- [Textbook 3] Financial Management Principles and Applications (Tenth Edition) - Keown, et. al.
- [Textbook 4] An Overview Of Financial Management And The Financial Environment
- [Textbook 5] Handbook of The Economic of Finance (Volume 1A) - Contantinides

2. Investment (Investasi)
- [Textbook 1] Investments (Tenth Edition) - Bodie, Kane, & Marcus.
- [Textbook 2] Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (Fourth Edition) - Hull

3. Metode Kuantitatif Keuangan (Quantitative Method in Finance)
- [Textbook 1] The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management - Fabozzi & Focardi.
- [Textbook 2] Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business, Economics, and The Life and Social Sciences (13th Edition) - Ernest Haeussler, Paul, & Wood.
- [Textbook 3] Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering - Capinski & Zastawniak

4. Metodologi Riset (Research Methodology)
- [Textbook 1] Business Research Methods (12th Edition) - Cooper Schindler.
- [Textbook 2] Research Methods - Ryan - Chapter 1.
- [Textbook 2] Research Methods - Ryan - Chapter 4.
- [Textbook 2] Research Methods - Ryan - Chapter 6-9.
- [Textbook 2] Research Methods - Ryan - Chapter 10-12.

Selain buku teks, dalam perkuliahan juga menggunakan modul-modul dan jurnal yang akan saya posting di lain waktu, selain itu saya juga punya materi-materi presentasi dan tugas-tugas kuliah yang akan saya share juga.

Terima kasih.
Arsyil Hendra Saputra
Mahasiswa S2 Program Pascasarjana Ilmu Manajemen (PPIM) FEB Universitas Indonesia.

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